Current Liturgical Ministry Schedules
This category includes organizations that provide support to worship events at St. Luke's. See Liturgical Ministry Schedules for scheduling information.
Liturgy Coordinator
Dan Callahan (904) 542-0238
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
The Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord in the Eucharist exposed for a time in a Monstrance on the altar of the Chapel. Participants sign up for a one-hour vigil from 9:00 AM to 6:30 PM on Mondays to pray before the presence of Our Lord. Participants can pray the rosary, read the Bible, or offer prayers of faith, hope, charity, thanksgiving or reparation. Those who simply sit and let their minds wander for an hour will tell you they are left with a sense of peace. This is a way to have a truly personal relationship with Jesus and an opportunity to know Him better.
Aurora Ayers
(904) 406-7083
Altar Servers
Altar servers assist the priest during the Mass doing various services, from the entrance to dismissal. They assist the priest to prepare and serve the Body of Christ; this is one of the most important functions that a lay youth can be called to perform. This can be a very rewarding ministry for a youth. Children in grades five and above are eligible to become altar servers.
Marcia Vigue
(904) 554-1838
Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) is a celebration of the Liturgy of the Word designed especially for children ages 4-6. After the opening prayer during Mass, the children are invited to the CLOW classroom in the back of the church with a trained Catechist and Assistant. There they hear the gospel in age-appropriate form. Then a fun, interactive discussion takes place. The CLOW Leader asks the children questions on how the gospel applies to their lives. The latter part is spent doing a fun craft or activity. The children sing, play games for interactive learning of the gospel, and do role-playing. The children are encouraged to go back and share with their loved ones what they learned. Parents are always welcome to come in with their young ones. Children’s Liturgy of the Word takes place at the 11:00AM Mass on designated Sundays. Registration is not required.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) assist the celebrant during Mass by distributing Holy Communion under both species (bread and wine) to the congregation and by bringing Holy Communion to homebound and hospitalized parishioners. This ministry is open to all parishioners who are at least 16 years of age, have been confirmed, regularly attend Mass, and are in good standing with the Church. Our ministers receive training and support in accordance with Diocesan guidelines.
Please read the instructions for cleaning vessels.
Ted and Mary Neal
(904) 406-0855
Greeters smile and give a warm welcome to all who come into St. Luke’s Church. This greeting should make all who come to Mass feel welcome and want to return. Greeters may be a family or individual, and they should arrive 20 minutes before their scheduled Mass.
Mary Blazek
(904) 608-9275
Lectors are called forth from among the community and trained to proclaim the Word of God, in such a way that it touches the hearts of the assembly and challenges them to live that Word. The Word proclaimed is not merely a human message but, as St. Paul says, “The Word of God at work within you who believe” (1 Thess. 2:13). Lectors are “extraordinary” ministers of the Word.
To be eligible, you must:
Alyssa Alvarez
(904) 635-4246
Music Ministry
Do you love music? Do you love to sing or play an instrument? Let your prayers find a voice by joining the Music Ministry. Previous training or experience is not necessary. If you are interested in more information or in participating in the Music Ministry, please see our Music Ministry page.
Traveling Chalice
The purpose of the Traveling Chalice Ministry is to encourage families to pray for and promote vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life. The consecrated Chalice is a tangible reminder of this special intention for the Church. A vocation is a call from the Holy Spirit, a gift from God that is nurtured in prayer. When we pray for vocations, we lift up to our Father those men and women whom He is calling to follow Him in a very special way. We hope that those who bring the cup home will continue to pray daily for vocations. Please prayerfully consider taking home the Chalice for one week and joining our parish in praying for vocations to the Priesthood, Deaconate, and Religious Life. Prayers to recite are included.
Michelle McColl
Ushers help create an atmosphere of hospitality and friendliness while maintaining orderly behavior during the Liturgical services.
Pat Browne