RCIA for children is a process that invites any child aged 7 to 14 interested in searching the Catholic Faith to discover what the Catholic Church teaches and believes. It is a process that the Church created to bring into full communion with the Church all those who, for whatever reason, have not been Baptized (by the age of 7) or have not received the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist, and Confirmation.
Who belongs in RCIA-C?
Unbaptized children and/or teens (Children over the age of 7)
Children baptized in another Christian faith
Children who may be baptized but who have not practiced their Catholic faith regularly.
RCIA-C classes are split into two programs:
1. Students that are new to RCIA-C will begin their journey with our Family Faith Program. Family Faith Formation is the religious education program for families with children enrolled in grades Kindergarten through eighth grade. These classes will be the foundation for your child’s readiness to receive the sacraments and continue their catechesis through eighth grade. After a period of at least one year, we will evaluate your child’s readiness to enter the RCIA-C process while they continue to be enrolled in the Family Faith classes. Readiness will be determined by several factors which include successful completion of family faith formation classes. For more information about this program please visit our web page at: https://www.stlukesparish.org/family-faith-formation
2. In the second process, the RCIA-C team will communicate with the Family Faith Formation team to determine student readiness to enter the sacrament preparation process. We will begin additional classes that focus on preparation for the Sacraments of Initiation and the Easter Vigil Mass. These classes will be focused on the process of receiving the Rites of Christian Initiation and will meet weekly until the Easter Vigil Mass when they receive their sacraments. We will start each week at Mass, and they will participate in the Mass through the homily before being dismissed for their classes which include a reflection on the weekly Gospel. Once they receive their sacraments, we still ask that your child remain in our Family Faith Formation classes until they complete eighth grade. Afterall, you would not end your child’s school studies at an early age, we must not end our religious education studies at an early age either.
There is no set length of time for the process as each child is unique and must be adapted to their growth in faith and understanding the importance of receiving the sacraments. Parents also have a significant role in the process as they inspire their children to embrace their faith journey and encourage their children to practice at home what they are learning in our classes. Mass attendance, classroom participation, and a willingness to learn are all required components for giving your child the opportunity to form a lifelong relationship with Jesus and a lifetime of practicing the Catholic Faith.
If you would like more information, please contact our office at: 904-282-0439 extension 120
For more information or If you are interested in your child being enrolled in the RCIA-C program please contact the office at (904) 282-0439
or email rcia@stlukesparish.org